Avoid the Enormous Expense of New Cabinets, and Refinish Them Instead!
The Process:
We restore, renew and refinish your kitchen cabinets beautifully in just one day. (In some cases, it may take two days.) There is no work on your part or taking anything out of your cabinets or drawers. We use a unique process that makes your cabinets “look new” and beautiful again.
First, all cabinets are solvent cleansed, removing grease, wax, oil and dirt.
Then, all damaged and worn areas are stripped, sanded, primed and sealed again.
Then, we match colors and stains perfectly and seal the wood.
Finally, a beautiful top coat is applied of clear oil based polyurethane on all cabinets from top to bottom for protection and beauty. No work on your part is required, such as emptying your cabinets or drawers, and no mess to clean up. We will handle all that for you.
Contact us today for a FREE estimate at (951) 660-8286.

Wood Restoration and Refinishing
New Look
Have your cabinets become worn and tired? Are they dirty and grimy? Our process, not only makes the cabinets look new, but gives them a brand new top finish of quality polyurethane for protection and durability.
Is Wood Restoration Right For Me?
If the stain and finish have worn away the doors, drawer and cabinets do not have to be replaced saving your cabinets and money.
Is Cabinet Refinishing Expensive?
The Refinish Artist makes refinishing your cabinets affordable and reasonable. It is the most cost effective process available!
No Mess
You will be glad to know it is made clean and presentable, with no mess.
The process of restoration and refinishing usually only takes one (1) day and your kitchen is given back to you.
More Benefits
When you refinish your cabinets you are really helping the environment. By keeping your cabinets, you are keeping them out of the landfills and no new materials are being used. All the more reason to give us a call!
Contact us today for a FREE estimate at (951) 660-8286.
Color Changes:
Let us redecorate your kitchen today, with a beautiful array of color choices for all your kitchen cabinets.
Color changes are now available with rich stains, tones and glazes, with any choice of colors in a wide range from light to dark, from walnut brown to cherry and more.
The completion of a kitchen on average takes only 3 to 4 days, and then you will have beautiful new looking cabinets. We have samples to help you decide on the shade and color you may choose and desire. First and very important, we protect all your walls, counters, appliances and the inside of your doors, drawers and floors by covering them.
Now cabinets are sanded, primed and sealed. Staining now begins, with a build up of color and stains. After this, all cabinets are sealed and sanded again. Last and not lease, two coats of high quality finish are added for beauty and protection in a choice of either stain, semi or high gloss, from the crown molding to the baseboards.
Yes, by re-staining and refinishing your kitchen cabinets you will actually save thousands of dollars and will have the “new” look you’ve dreamed of.
Contact us today for a FREE estimate at (951) 660-8286.